"Winter kill" is a term that is used for plants that did not survive the winter months. If you have just planted new plants in the fall and they didn't make it to spring you may be overlooking a very critical point. Many people think that if there new 'plants don't survive the winter it is because of the cold. But this is only true in a few cases.
Typically when a plant doesn't live through the winter it is because it is not hardy to your zone, or if temperatures dip below standard lows for extreme periods of time. Sometimes the shrub or perennial is just old and its life cycle is complete.
There is one thing that is often overlooked and that is the dehydration of the plant. If you have a new plant in its first or second season, its root system is still shallow compared to an established plants system. Therefore they are not able to access water that is viable deeper in the earth. They are reliant on surface moisture to survive and of course that moisture freezes during the winter months. And as plants cannot drink frozen water they dehydrate and die.
All plants differ of course as to there need for water during there dormant months. Some need very little and some need an ample supply. The key is that dormancy is not death, and your better off safe than sorry. If your not sure about your plants growth, and there hasn't been a thaw for a few months, go ahead and get out the hose.